Cover All Your League Management Needs




Optimized league pairings

Save time with automatic pairings while ensuring that everyone plays with everyone else over the course of the season.


Online registration and payments

Eliminate registration by paper, phone, or email and save time with custom online registration forms and secure credit card payments.


Custom league website

Easily create a dedicated website for each league to share the league schedule, tee times, leaderboards, photos, season points, and more.


Large library of tournament formats

No other tournament management system can match Golf Genius when it comes to handling the widest variety of formats and competitions.

Play a different format each week or even multiple formats in the same round while automatically tracking season points.


Mobile app and live scoring

Engage golfers with live scoring and leaderboards through our free mobile app. Eliminate manual scoring and save time with instant calculation of final results.


Live TV Leaderboards

Follow the action in the clubhouse, at the grille, or anywhere around the golf course with large TV displays showing live leaderboards, photos, and more.
